Building Blocks of a Successful HOA Board

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The basis of any homeowners association is the HOA Board. To have a successful HOA, the Board must have certain qualities in order to lead the community and keep it running efficiently. Here are the main building blocks a Board must have to bring the best service to their association.

Staying Involved in the Community

Board members may find it difficult to stay actively involved with the association because their positions are volunteer. However, it’s important for members to be as involved as possible so they can be informed about living in the community and being aware of any issues or needs. Members could start by making an effort to attend all meetings or participate in events with the community. They can check the Association Website for details on what is happening in the community. In addition, Board members should be sure they are properly following all regulations and rules of the homeowners association.

Having the Best Communication

Of course Board members should be sure they are actively listening and communicated with one another, but it doesn’t end there. Communication should be open and regular between Board members and the property manager, residents, and vendors as well. And communication doesn’t have to be purely in person; communication can help through chat rooms set up by the Board, phone, email, or HOA Software.

Diversity Among Members

The Board should contain a variety of ages, ethnicities, and include both genders between members. This ensures all types of people from different walks of life are being represented within the community. Each Board member can contribute their own beliefs and views to the association to provide a variety of thoughts and ideas.

No Biases

Board members must remember that they are acting as representations for the entire HOA community, not themselves. All biases regarding members’ own feelings and wants must be set aside when making decisions for the homeowners association and think about what is best for the whole group.


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